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  • gcoghill
    Apr 28, 09:22 PM
    Why? The law requires an rights owner to defend its IP or risk losing it. These suits are just business, no hard feelings, as seen by Apple's monster-sized component contract w/ Samsung. Any yes, business is about making money.

    Every time there's a patent or copyright article and people go off the deep end calling these companies crazy/evil, etc, I wish the article would indicate the fact that they are actually required to do so or risk losing their patent/trademarks. Doesn't even matter if they want to or not.

  • funky short hair styles 2011

  • tommyh84
    Aug 10, 05:06 AM

    I'd also love a link to the original wall :)

  • funky short hair styles 2011

  • Mac Rules
    Aug 4, 05:31 PM
    :eek: Japanese Mac users get first OS X-friendly Blu-ray burner from Logitech mid-August ( Only $1148 folks. :eek: I guess somebody's gotta start somewhere. At least we know they are really almost for sale somewhere on planet Earth. :rolleyes: ;) Comes with Blu-ray version of Toast 7 Titanium.

    "Logitec also said the drive - dubbed the LBD-A2FU2/WM - will support DVD-RAM, DVD�R/RW, dual-layer DVD�R and CD-R/RW discs. The unit has both USB 2.0 and Firewire interfaces on board."

    Wonder how much these burners will cost this time next summer?

    For $1148 you can buy 4 Terabytes of Hard Drives today. That would be eighty 50GB Blu-ray discs @ $50 each would be $4,000 for the blank media to record 4 Terabytes. $1,000 per Terabyte Vs. $250 per Terabyte of HD storage. I just don't get the economics of this Blu-ray thing at all. :eek: :confused:

    OUCH!!!!!:eek: But very cool!

  • funky short hair styles 2011

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 28, 05:58 AM
    Too right.

    The iPhone 4 is now 10 months old, that's getting a bit long in the tooth in the ever evolving tech world. :)

    Agreed + the fact that this model was not released with the original phone; so it was going to suffer.

    The real comparison would be the white iPhone 4 + the black iPhone 4 after April to iPhone 3GS when the iPhone4 came out.


  • funky short hair styles 2011

  • wellandbusiness
    Dec 1, 06:48 AM
    Nothing very exciting here I'm afraid, but I like to keep my systems as simple as possible. This is my MacBook Pro, my iMac is near to the same!

  • funky short hair styles 2011

  • acidfast7
    Mar 23, 10:10 AM
    I can't blame the guy ... academic science totally kicks a$$.

    We even get free beer while we sit in the sun during the workday :D


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  • bigrobb
    Apr 16, 02:49 PM
    here is mine

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  • bbydon
    Jan 10, 12:35 PM
    Best one in years...too bad they didnt release ilife though


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  • Frankydan100
    Apr 4, 05:35 AM

    Another Slightly Stoopid shot this month

    How do I get my dock to look like this anyone???

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  • toddybody
    Mar 25, 11:54 AM
    I wonder how difficult it would be find an individual with the talents needed both on the Software Engineering side & the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) side. Most GIS education these days doesn't really focus on programming. Infact, most GIS "programs" are just crash courses on how to operate ESRI products.


    Ha ha! I work with ESRI on ARC integration...Alot of schools are actually providing geospatial related degrees (be it analysis or as a concentration under CS). That said, Id rather the HW improve to have better position referencing.


  • Funky Short Hairstyle.

  • eRondeau
    Oct 1, 02:17 PM
    I too am forced to use Lotus Notes at work. Maybe it hasn't been "implemented properly" in my office, but it is a horrible, awful thing. Even common commands are hidden deep inside nondescript menus and any attempt at customizing anything ends with frustration. I would hope that this bloated piece of software crap stays far, far away from the Mac platform forever.

  • Funky Short Hairstyles for

  • unlinked
    Apr 6, 12:57 PM
    Pity those who live a long way from the server, ouch! I notice a difference when I switch content providers from Manchester to London (I'm based in Manchester) on Steam. I don't think this data centre is for use outside the US...

    Steam seem to have a fair few data centers themselves. I guess the Apple equivalent will have a drop down with one entry.


  • funky short hair styles 2011

  • MakX
    Apr 26, 03:55 AM
    Here's a weird one for ya.

    So, this started only happening a few days ago. Sometimes when I'm in an application and it, for no apparent reason, freezes itself and everything else in OS X. I cannot click any menus, any other applications or type anywhere (let alone make a field active to type in). My mouse still works fine (can move it around - but when I hover over the dock, nothing happens - it should magnify and obviously display application names).

    I can use the Opt-Cmd-Esc trick to force quit the application, at which stage I think the problem is resolved as I can click into applications. The problems start (again?) when I try and type once selecting somewhere to type. I press keys and nothing is output to the field, as if I'm not typing at all.

    This is an issue with OS X, as obviously I can do the Opt-Cmd-Esc thing and also change sound volume and brightness etc - the keyboard itself is fine. I end up having to restart the computer in order to regain use of regular typing.

    Numerous Google searches does not bring up much that I can really go with.

    What I can 'narrow' it down to, is the issue seems to occur when, or very soon after, I save a document. It's happened in both Coda and just now, Photoshop CS5. This leads me to think it may have something to do with my newly partitioned external HDD (insane, right?). Just after I partitioned it to make a separate volume for my MBP to use Time Machine (via sharing), the first occurrence happened. I see no reason logically for this to be the cause, however. It is noteworthy though.

    I will eventually just unplug my external HDD and see if it happens anymore. Figured I'd post here first to see if anyone knows the answer.

    Thanks for reading!

    Edit: // this seems to be exactly what is happening for me, and is related to USB media, however I am not trying to save to it, but it is present in my system.

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  • nunoabsilva
    Dec 6, 07:27 AM

    mmmmm oliviaaaaa in full 1080p

    what is the first software icon in the bar (download's/bandwith !!!!!)


  • funky short hair styles 2011

  • xUKHCx
    Oct 18, 03:05 PM

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  • Ann P
    Dec 14, 06:45 PM
    Please excuse the messy workspace.

    Link (

    Love this background, thanks for sharing!


  • funky short hair styles 2011

  • Eminemdrdre00
    Oct 10, 04:02 PM
    He�s already said if he could, he would gladly offer an upgrade price for 1.x users.. but that�s not on him. That�s Apple and the app store.
    He also said "Either I release it [Tweetie 2] completely for free and don't make any more money, or I charge $2.99 for everyone and piss off all the existing customers.

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  • SallyWattle
    Aug 16, 01:59 AM
    At the heart of every Mac OS is the original rainbow.

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  • Mudbug
    Feb 22, 10:34 PM
    If I understand it right, it's randomly chosen from the list of songs that has only 1 recommendation (the submitter's) so that it gets more exposure than the once around on the main page. The rotation happens at 3:00 a.m. EST, if I'm not mistaken.